There are few greater feelings in life than getting to share the warmth of the holidays with those who would otherwise go without. That is why every year we are so enthusiastic to host Drew CDC’s Winter Wonderland Toy Fair where we distribute free toys and essential resources to over 1,000 children whose families may struggle to provide a secure and uplifting holiday season.
This year’s theme is Comfort and Joy because we are expanding our giveaways to include more of the critical items families require to meet their basic needs, such as winter coats, food, and health services. We do this because we recognize that only when our basic needs are met, can we feel secure enough to delight in the joy of presents, ornaments, and mutual connection, which are so vital for children to feel connected to and optimistic about their families and community.
To strengthen our support for these families, we invite you to partner with us to bring as much comfort and joy as possible to our South Los Angeles community! Our goal is to reach even more people than last year and provide over 1,000 children with the excitement unwrapping a new toy and coat.
Drew Child Development Corporation (Drew CDC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the education and well-being of at-risk children in South Los Angeles, CA. Since 1987, Drew CDC's community-based programs have provided a variety of essential services to the underserved and culturally diverse families in our community. Drew CDC currently helps over 16,000 children and families every year.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer3 available packages from US$1000 to US$5000 Acknowledgement of your support in our event's program, social networks and Drew CDC website. - 3 event t-shirts - Exhibit Booth.
10 available
- Choice of table selection for exhibitor booth. - Co-branded logo and name on printed materials and promotional products distributed at the event. - Your company logo displayed prominently on the event's promotional materials and media messages including social media, Drew CDC website, flyers, e-mail messages, etc. - Acknowledgement of your support in our event's program. - 8 event t-shirts. - Exhibit booth.
10 available
- Your company logo displayed prominently on the event's promotional materials and media messages including social media, Drew CDC website, flyers, e-mail messages, etc. - 5 event t-shirts - Acknowledgement of your support in our event's program. - Exhibit booth
10 available