Fri, Nov 15 2024

Raise and Give Ball,

St Hugh's College, England, United Kingdom St Hugh's College, England, United Kingdom

  • About the event

    The RAG Ball at St Hugh's College is the biggest charity event of the year. We expect up to 120 students to attend for a night of music and entertainment, while helping us contribute towards a great cause.

    Why should you sponsor?

    You will gain exposure to a great number of students, many of whom will be looking for services to help them ease their transition into university. You will also be helping an important and relevant cause, as the students will vote on a number of charities for us to donate to.

    Sucharita Sarkar

    I am the Charities and Community Representative of the St Hugh's College Junior Common Room Committee, which means that I have organised a number of fundraisers over the course of the year so far, including a formal dinner to raise money for breast cancer charities. My role in arranging the RAG Ball is to organise entertainment, as well as to liase with sponsors.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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